Phototherapy is a major effective therapeutic treatment modality in dermatology and has influenced the treatment of various skin diseases dramatically.
It consists of a controlled administration of non-ionizing radiation to the skin in various dermatoses, which involves the ultraviolet part of the electromagnetic spectrum and commonly includes ultraviolet A (UVA) spectrum, ultraviolet A-1 (UVA-1) spectrum, UVA spectrum with a psoralene sensitizer (PUVA), and ultraviolet B (UVB) spectrum, i.e., broad-band (BB)-UVB, or narrow-band (NB)-UVB.
[ UVB phototherapy has different properties like anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive, and cytotoxic
Indication – Psoriasis, Chronic Eczema, Mycosis Fungoides, Vitiligo, Polymorphic Light Eruption, Cutaneous Graft Versus Host Disease, Generalized Lichen Planus,
Other Indications – Pityriasis lichenoides chronica, generalized granuloma annulare, mastocytosis, chronic spontaneous urticaria, and generalized pruritus